About Project

History-Film-History is an educational film platform, created with the support of Creative Europe. 

The aim of the project is to increase the interest of young people in European film, film heritage, and to establish its pedagogical potential across a range of curriculum subjects.  The project will also help develop young people’s ability to explore and analyse both film as an art form, as well as considering historical facts and problems of the 20th century. 

History-Film-History offers the possibility to learn about the history of cinematography and its contribution to the world of art. 

The project was created with the partnership of the Georgian National Film Center (Georgia), Fondazione Cineteca  Milano (Italy) The Film Space (United Kingdom) and the Serbian National Film Archive ЈУГОСЛОВЕНСКЕ КИНОТЕКЕ (Serbia). The participating four countries have their own unique language, culture and past, unified by European values and history. 

Educational resources - the project has developed a series of educational tools in order to achieve its objectives. These include video lessons, exercises, quizzes and archived materials. 

The platform is available in Georgian, Serbian, Italian and English languages and covers two distinct areas:

1.   Teaching the 20th century history by means of the cinema.

2.   Teaching film history.


The project also allows for further development, as it is desirable for other European countries to gradually join the project for the purpose of developing online resources providing access to complete information about 20th century Europe

Nowadays, cinema is a very important part of the culture, playing a huge role in the formation of values and understanding of the world in which we live., Film represents social problems, helps us to question our identities, examines democracy, and looks at tolerance and social justice in society. The experiences of the participant organizations highlight the educational value of using film in order to stimulate and develop independent thinking and develop creative skills in the young generation.  

We hope education resources on this platform will serve as an important resource for teachers, as well as for students and parents interested in art and history.